Stomach Cancer

At Apex Cancer Clinic, we have the best cancer doctors who specialize in treating cancer

Stomach Cancer

  • Stomach cancers are quiet common in indian population. Patients with prolonged gastritis are at increased risk of stomach cancer. They present with loss of appetite, weight loss and early satiety.
  • Patients with suspected stomach cancer should undergo endoscopy and biopsy. Biopsy is confirmatory and mandatory before starting any treatment.
  • Staging is done by either CT scan or PET scan. Staging laproscopy to rule out peritoneal spread is done frequently as staging procedure
  • As for most cancers Multimodality Treatment is the norm. Treatment usually starts with Chemotherapy, this helps to reduce the chance of recurrence and increase survival of patients.
  • Surgery is the most important part of treatment and is considered after 3 cycles of chemotherapy. Gastrectomy entails removing the affected part of stomach with adequate margins with lymph node dissection.
  • Gastrectomy can be done by key hole method or by robotic surgery. This method ensures early recovery besides having many advantages like less blood loss etc.
  • Patients continue chemotherapy after surgery and a total of 6 cycles is required. Patients are advised to be on regular follow up